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SeongboArt Village

About the Seongbo Art Village

  • Seongbo Art Village

    "Old is new! The river, fields, mountains, the wind, the sky, clouds, trees and birds illuminate Seongbo Art Village."

  • Address

    377 Sangmuro, Hogye-myeon, Mungyeong-si (23 Hogye-ri, Hogye-myeon)

  • Area size

    Approx. 12,000 pyeong

  • Opening hours

    09:00 - 18:00 (every day)

  • Hands-on activity time

    09:00 - 18:00

  • What to see

    Insect room, modern history room, traditional culture room, folk art room, horseback riding arena, art gallery and others.

  • Activities

    Natural dying, horseback riding, making pottery, archery, hanji (traditional Korean paper) art craft, and kite-making and others.

  • Facilities

    Restaurant, pension (lodge), forest healing trail, mini soccer field, an auditorium, seminar rooms, a traditional tea room and others.

  • Tel

    054)554-7001, 011-812-0333